Norton CEVC Primary School
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Late/Absence Procedures

What to do if your child is late or is going to be absent?

Registration is at the beginning of the morning and afternoon sessions, morning registration is taken at 8.45am. Any pupil who arrives in school between 8.45am - 8.55am will be given a late mark in the register. If a child arrives after 8.55am then the session will be classed as unauthorised.  Children who are late must be accompanied to the office by their parents so that they are registered and a school dinner ordered if required.  In extreme circumstances such as poor weather conditions, closure of registers will be delayed.   Afternoon registration takes place at 1.00pm.


It is vital to your child’s education that they attend regularly and arrive on time.   Frequent absence and/or lateness is very disruptive - not only for your child but also to all the children in their class.  


In the event of sickness, the school should be notified on the first day of the absence before 9.30am and then on every day of the sickness absence. Please telephone 01359 230520 and choose the option to record a pupil absence. The office will endeavour to contact parents if a child does not arrive in school and no message has been received.  It is the parent’s responsibility to communicate to the school the reason for any absence as soon as possible and provide evidence if necessary. A reason for absence will not be accepted from a child.


In accordance with guidance provided by the Health Protection Agency, we request that children remain at home for 48 hours following diarrhoea or vomiting illness.


Frequent lateness and/or absences will be followed up by the headteacher or, if they fall below a certain level, by the Local Authority’s Education Welfare Officer. If you or your child have worries or concerns which are affecting their attendance, please do not hesitate in contacting the school so that we can work together to overcome the issues.


Children may only leave during school hours when collected by a parent or carer for medical appointments or other urgent matters and we request that a copy of the appointment letter or card is provided. Please let the school office and your child’s class teacher know, as far in advance as possible.
