Norton CEVC Primary School
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Experience Pentecost

This week all the pupils at Norton had the opportunity to 'Experience Pentecost' at St Andrew's Church. The experience allowed the children to gain a fuller understanding of the significance of Pentecost, the festival celebrated fifty days after Easter: central to this festival is the work of the Holy Spirit. In groups, the children visited six stations, set up around the church, each providing an interactive, multi-sensory way to engage children imaginatively with the events surrounding Pentecost. The six stations were:

  1. Waiting – For the Holy Spirit to come.
  2. Receiving – With the Holy Spirit Came
  3. Telling – After the Holy Spirit came, the believers began to tell others
  4. Doing – After the Holy Spirit came, they were bold enough to take action
  5. Sharing – After the Holy Spirit came, they began to work together
  6. Growing – After the Holy Spirit came, the Church began to grow

Organised by Revd Katherine and Mrs Harris, and manned by a team of volunteers from the local churches, this was a really engaging workshop enjoyed by all. Needless to say, the children’s learning behaviour and contributions were excellent.
