Norton CEVC Primary School
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  • Maths Week England

    Fri 13 Nov 2020

    This week, 9 - 4 November 2020, Norton has taken part in ‘Maths Week England’. 

    Maths Week England aims to:

    1. Raise the profile of mathematics throughout England

    2. Change the conversation about maths in the population at large to be more positive

    3. Enable children and adults from all social and economic backgrounds to access and enjoy interesting mathematical experiences

    4. Support teachers to plan special low-cost high-impact maths activities at their own schools during Maths Week

    5. Encourage Higher-Education centres to invite schoolchildren to visit for maths events, in order to raise aspirations and encourage a higher take-up of the study of maths at A-level and university

    6. Make maths accessible and enjoyable for people who thought it was an elitist subject for ‘clever’ people: to ‘love and enjoy’ is a worthy goal!

    To celebrate each class spent a whole morning doing fun maths related activities. The photographs show how much fun we had.


  • Remembrance Day

    Wed 11 Nov 2020
    Today we remembered the people who fought and died in wars and those who are still serving in our forces.  As a school, in our bubbles, we stopped at 11 o' clock and observed a two minute silence, to show respect and thankfulness. Each class, during the day walked down to Norton War Memorial where they took time to reflect, with some classes laying a wreaths, whilst other read 'In Flanders Fields'. 
  • Year 4 Greek Day

    Tue 10 Nov 2020
    Today Year 4 children came to school dressed as Greeks instead of their usual school uniform! As part of their history topic 'Groovy Greeks', the class experienced a Virtual Greek Day delivered by 'History Off The Page'. Using video tutorials and drama sketches, the children were taken back in time to Ancient Greece and completed a range of craft and other activities. The children thoroughly enjoyed themselves and they were able to apply knowledge which they have already learnt.