Norton CEVC Primary School
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  • Whole-School Languages Afternoon

    Thu 25 May 2023 Miss Lawrence

    All classes were involved in a languages afternoon to celebrate and experience bits of French culture! The children played boules, named colours, played lotto, gave beebots directions through a French town, painted the tricolore flag in the pointillist style of Georges Seurat and went to a French café to taste cheese and bread! 

  • Experience Pentecost

    Mon 22 May 2023

    This week all the pupils at Norton had the opportunity to 'Experience Pentecost' at St Andrew's Church. The experience allowed the children to gain a fuller understanding of the significance of Pentecost, the festival celebrated fifty days after Easter: central to this festival is the work of the Holy Spirit. In groups, the children visited six stations, set up around the church, each providing an interactive, multi-sensory way to engage children imaginatively with the events surrounding Pentecost. The six stations were:

    1. Waiting – For the Holy Spirit to come.
    2. Receiving – With the Holy Spirit Came
    3. Telling – After the Holy Spirit came, the believers began to tell others
    4. Doing – After the Holy Spirit came, they were bold enough to take action
    5. Sharing – After the Holy Spirit came, they began to work together
    6. Growing – After the Holy Spirit came, the Church began to grow

    Organised by Revd Katherine and Mrs Harris, and manned by a team of volunteers from the local churches, this was a really engaging workshop enjoyed by all. Needless to say, the children’s learning behaviour and contributions were excellent.

  • King Charles III Coronation

    Fri 05 May 2023

    We had a great time celebrating the Coronation of King Charles III which takes place tomorrow! We enjoyed a lovely picnic lunch in the hall, before spending the afternoon doing a range of creative activities. These activities included making union flags, decorating cookies and crowns, learning about what will happen during the Coronation ceremony and crafting 3-D cutaways of Westminster Abbey. We rounded off the afternoon by receiving our commemorative mugs from Mr Aket and Mr Lenko on behalf of the Parish Council, before everyone gathered in the hall for the national anthem.

    A great day was had by all and hopefully memories created!
