Norton CEVC Primary School
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Early Help Intervention


Early Help Intervention

Summary of Intervention

Class Teacher

The class teacher is the first point of contact for any issues. parents/carers are encouraged to liaise with their child’s teacher so they are aware of any concerns that arise. Teachers are responsible for the well-being of all the children in their class and liaising with other staff within the school as required, ensuring that the appropriate support is in place as soon as a need is identified. If the teacher feels further intervention is required they will then be referred to the Pastoral Support Lead or the SENCO.


Meeting with SENCO

If either parent or teacher feels that support from an outside agency is required, an assessment or a referral; parents are invited to discuss concerns with the SENCO. During the meeting we can establish what is working well and what the concerns are using the ‘Signs of Safety’ approach. Advice and signposting to other agencies is offered at these meetings along with support with any referrals.


Bespoke learning interventions

Every child is an individual, with different learning needs and styles. Every teacher will carefully monitor the learning progress of the children in their class. Hen gaps and misconceptions are identified they will look to provide the appropriate intervention to support the children’s learning. 


Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA)

This is an educational psychology led intervention. Our three Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA) have a wealth of experience of working with children and receive regular training. They are able to support pupils in school who are identified as needing additional social and emotional support. This can be in small groups or 1:1.


Drawing and Talking

Drawing and Talking is a safe therapy for use with our pupils who have suffered trauma or have underlying emotional difficulties which may be affecting their mental health and well-being. In the 20 minutes sessions pupils are encouraged to draw with our trained member of staff, who talks to them as they draw with the aim of finding a resolution to conflict and trauma experienced.


Lunchtime Clubs

Emotional well-being, social skills and developing effective relationships with peers are supported by lunch club through chatter and chomp sessions

Alternatively, children are sometimes encouraged to attend one of our many lunchtime activities such as chess club, book club, garden club and a range of sporting activities.


Parent Workshops

During the year and if there is a demand we will offer our parents workshops on specific areas such as anxiety, anger and regulating emotions.

We also share parent workshops which have been organised by The Psychology in Schools Team


Lomax our Therapy Dog

Research indicates that a therapy dog can support and benefit children in so many ways both educationally and emotionally. A therapy dog can increase children’s understanding of responsibility and develop empathy and nurturing skills. Lomax belongs to Mrs Colman and he comes into school on a Friday 


Parent Coffee Mornings

Once a month our ELSA Team invite all our parents to a coffee morning. This is an opportunity for parents to informally get together, chat, share experiences and for our team to provide guidance and where needed signpost to other support.


Induction sessions for children starting Reception class

At Norton we want our new reception class to start in September feeling happy and settled. To assist with this, we provide come and join in sessions in the summer term so that the children become familiar with the staff and the school environment.


School Nursing Team

School nurses work across education and health, providing a link between school, home and the community.

Their aim is to improve the health and wellbeing of children and young people. They work with families, parents and young people from five to nineteen and are usually linked to a school or group of schools.

What does a school nurse do?

The work of a school nurse covers lots of different areas, ranging from acne to sexual exploitation, self-harm to sleep problems - all those issues centred around the physical and emotional health of children.

They support children, parents, and carers to ensure they have access to a range of services, including:

  • Support schools to prioritise health needs within their school community
  • Produce termly newsletters – one for Primary Schools and one for High Schools
  • Attend community events
  • Provide hearing and vision screening in Reception
  • Take growth measurements as part of the National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP) in Reception and Year 6
  • Offer weekly confidential ‘drop ins’ for pupils in secondary schools
  • Give health advice, signposting and referrals around a broad range of health topics

Suffolk’s School Nurses also offer more bespoke services for children and families who might need a little bit of extra support. They deliver ongoing support in partnership with a range of local services who are working together with the child and their family to deal with more complex issues over a longer period of time.


The Specialist Education Services (SES)

The Specialist Education Services (SES) offer a range of services which can be used by schools and settings to develop and enhance their inclusive practice around pupils with:


-Cognition and learning needs, including specific learning difficulties
-Communication and interaction needs, including speech and language needs
-Social, emotional and mental health needs
-Sensory and physical needs (i.e. pupils with a hearing impairment, visual impairment or dual sensory impairment; it does not include those with sensory processing sensitivities).

SES work with school leaders, teachers, staff and governors to develop best practice around inclusion, whether this is identifying pupils’ needs and providing advice and guidance to inform reasonable adjustments to support those needs or supporting with specific whole school development, for example the development of an inclusive policy or inclusive curriculum. 



Attendance data is monitored by the headteacher. The schools appointed Educational Welfare Officer works closely with our school to support families and maintain good attendance.


Mental Health Support Teams

MHSTs have three core functions:

  • to deliver evidence-based interventions for mild-to-moderate mental health issues;
  • support the senior mental health lead (where established) in each school or college to introduce or develop whole school or college approach and;
  • give timely advise to school and college staff, and liaise with external specialist service to help children and young people to get the right support and stay in education.

Suffolk Children & Young People’s Emotional Wellbeing Hub

Suffolk Wellbeing is an online wellbeing service, run in partnership with the NHS; pupils can be referred here by parents/carers to access support or through a medical professional.


Suffolk Family Carers


Suffolk Young Carers

Supporting families and children/young people

Working in partnership with Suffolk Young Carers we offer monthly drop-ins with our Young Carers Lead, as well as a weekly ‘learn and play’ club.

For more information see our Young Carers page.

Who is a young carer?

A Young carer is a young person, who is caring for or is emotionally affected by a family member who has a physical or mental illness, disability or misuses drugs or alcohol.

Sibling carers a young person who is affected by a brother or sister’s disability, illness or additional need. If you feel your child is a young carer and would benefit from support please see the link below.


Parent Support Workshops


• Triple P


• Triple P teen


• Triple P stepping stones


• Who's in charge


• Strengthening families

Parenting programmes run by Suffolk County Council and partner organisations in the voluntary and community sector are signposted to parents and carers in order for them to access the appropriate support The programmes bring experienced workers, parents and carers together to:


• Discuss issues

• Share concerns

• Gain practical advice and information


Early Help Assessment (EHA also known as CAF)

There are times when children and their families may need support from a wide range of local agencies. Where a child and family would benefit from support with more than one agency (e.g. education, health, housing, police) an Early Help

Assessment will be offered to agree and coordinate that support. 

The Early Help Assessment is an evidence based, family friendly tool designed to support solution focused conversations between professionals and the family. Its purpose is to identify strengths and difficulties, engage and empower individuals to achieve positive change and prevent needs escalating.


Safeguarding & Child Protection Procedures

The school has a clear and detailed Safeguarding (Child Protection) Policy. Currently, there are three members of staff who have Designated Safeguarding Lead training, as well as a Designated Safeguarding Governor. However, safeguarding is everybody’s responsibility at Norton CEVC Primary School and we all work together to ensure that the rigorous and robust systems that are in place are followed to ensure the safety of our children. We always act in the interest of the child. Our staff receive regular training and updates about all forms of abuse.


External Agency Support

The school works closely with external agencies to access additional support where appropriate for our pupils. For example, Family Support Practitioners, Social Workers, Local Police and PCSOs and so on.


Furthermore, we signpost parents and carers to external agency support. Some of those organisations include:


• Lighthouse – supporting children & families of domestic violence,


• Ormiston Families - support for children affected by a family member in prison.


• SENDIASS - Special Educational Needs and Disability Information, Advice and Support Service provides information, advice and support to young people and children with SEN or disabilities aged 0 -25, and their parents, about education, health and social care.


• Suffolk Parent/Carer Network -supporting families with children who have additional needs or disabilities.


• Child Bereavement UK

