Norton CEVC Primary School
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Rocket – Year 4

Welcome to Year 4!


Our topics this Summer Term are...


Geography- Deserts

Science- Living Things





Here is some key information about our class...


Class Dojo is our main form of communication. Updates will be posted on there. This may include things we are doing in class, key dates and any additional information you need to know. Children are also rewarded with dojo points. If the class collectively reach 500 points, there will be a class treat!


As a school we follow CUSP Spelling. Learning to support your child will be sent home weekly.  


A times table tests will take place every other Monday. It is essential the children are practicing their times tables up to 12 x 12, both at school and at home. 


P.E. takes place every Wednesday and Friday, so please ensure your child's full P.E. kit is in school this day.






Topic Web

Weekly Timetable

Parent Information Evening

Key Websites:

TT Rockstars

Accelerated Reader
AR Book Finder
