Our vision is that children feel like scientists. When a child leaves this school, we want them to have a secure understanding of basic scientific concepts and skills, and be able to apply these in new situations. They should have a good grasp of scientific vocabulary and show their understanding by using this terminology accurately and in the correct context. We want pupils to explore science practically and be inquisitive, active learners by asking questions about real-world concepts. We are keen for pupils to use their observations and new learning to challenge their thinking and change their ideas based on the results they see. They will have had opportunities to feel awe and wonder about how the world works, recognising that science has changed our lives and is vital to the world’s future prosperity.
Our Intent is outlined in the poster below which demonstrates some elements of science teaching and learning at Norton.
All classes enjoy at least one 60-minute Science lesson a week. All teachers follow the national curriculum objectives for their year group. Teachers plan engaging lessons which cover the statutory objectives in meaningful ways, using outside areas where appropriate and providing opportunities for children to use a range of scientific equipment. Children are able to work alone, in pairs or as a part of a group. All age-groups are encouraged to explore science practically and work scientifically in a range of experiments and investigations. STEM learning activities are used to enhance the curriculum across year groups. Safety when using equipment is a primary focus for all staff. Science share mornings have given families and staff opportunities to explore and enjoy Science.
Long-Term Planning, Progression and Assessment
Working Scientifically
Each class uses the following tracking sheets to monitor the skills related to Working Scientifically that children are able to develop in Science lessons.
Years 1-6
Below is a document providing further detail on the skills that Years 1-6 are developing in Working Scientifically, showing progression and giving examples of what the skills might look like in key stage.
Over the last year, we have been working towards the Primary Science Quality Mark (PSQM), which is an award scheme to develop and celebrate the quality of science teaching and learning in primary schools. We knew that science was already a strong subject at Norton, so decided to apply for the Gilt award. Thanks to all the efforts of pupils, parents, teaching staff and governors, we received confirmation earlier this term that we had been successful. Well done to us!
As part of the celebrations during British Science Week in March 2023, a competition was held which asked pupils to design a mascot to represent our vision and principles for Science at Norton. The winning entry was designed by Wilf in Year 4, shown below:
Each year, subject leaders identify priorities for the development of provision in their subjects.
This year, the three areas of focus for Science are: