At Norton Physical Education is very important to us. Not only do we take pride of our P.E. Lessons we work together as a team to provide as many opportunities as possible for the children to be active. Norton work closely with the Gipping Valley and Thurston School Sports Partnership team. They offer an extensive and broad competition programme that are inclusive for all children. We take part in regular inter and intra school competitions through the partnership, we have a variety of enrichment opportunities throughout the year so all children can try new sports and we encourage active break and lunch times.
Our commitment to physical education is shown through our achievements with the School Games Mark. The School Games Mark is a government led awards scheme launched in 2012 to reward schools for their commitment to the development of competition across their school and into the community. Participating in this process allows us to evaluate our PE provision and assists us in developing an action plan for future progress.
This year we achieved the gold games mark.
Whole School Long Term Plan
Here you will find our PE overview for the year. This will tell you which aspect of PE your child will be covering each half term.
Get Set 4 PE
At Norton Primary School we follow Get Set 4 PE alongside comprehensively planned lessons by qualified coaches, which ensures that children have a varied and well mapped out PE curriculum.
It provides the opportunity for progression across the full breadth of the PE National Curriculum for KS1 and KS2 for both indoor and outdoor PE. This progression is clearly identified and each lesson has been carefully planned to match these.
At Norton Primary School, we aim to inspire all children to experience personal success in physical activity and develop a lifelong passion for it. Through carefully sequenced lessons all children will learn new skills and have regular opportunities for competition; children will have developed resilience, respect and humility that they can apply to other areas of their lives. Children will also be able to work cooperatively with others, as part of a team, with a sense of fairness and sportsmanship experiencing regular opportunities to achieve something new. Children will have regular opportunities to be a part of a team representing the school community. When a child leaves this school, they will have the courage to try new things with self-belief and without fear of failure.
All children receive 2 hours of PE teaching per week. Sports coaches are used effectively to develop the skills of both children and staff. Regular opportunities for activity are available during the school day to keep children active both in the classroom and on the playground during break and lunch times. Pupil voice features heavily in decision-making about playground equipment and lunch time clubs. Older children are given opportunities to become leaders in different initiatives, including Sports Ambassadors and The Golden Mile, during which they become role models for others. Children in Year 6 can apply to be Sports Ambassadors, this group of children run lunch time clubs which encourage children to try a new sport or join in with a team game. Children are invited to participate in at least one intra- and inter-school competition during each half term as an opportunity to apply new skills and celebrate success.