Hello, my name is Connor and I am one of your JRSO’s for this year. I am very exited about being your road safety officer and hope I can teach you all about road safety! 😊😊
Road safety is very important because if you don’t know what to do you could be in a lot of danger.
This year we will start of by learning the importance of road safety and the green cross code. We are planning to organise role play for the younger children so we can act this out.
We will also be doing competitions to win stickers, water bottles, badges and much more. I will love teaching you all! 😊
Hi my name is Caitlin and I am one of your JRSO’S for this year. I can’t wait to teach you all the importance of road safety! We will start the year by learning about the Green Cross Code and the new road rules. We will do activities to help you learn about the importance of road safety.
We will also do many competitions during our time as JRSO’S.
In bike ability we have already learnt about some key road safety rules and we can't wait to share them with you!
Green Cross Code
Be Bright Be Seen!
Cycle Safety
A safe place to play
Travel to school
Bikeability and New Road Rules
This year we are also excited to work towards out Bronze award with Modeshift Stars. Watch this space!
As part of our ModeshiftSTARS accreditation, we have put together a travel policy for our school. Please find the link here :)
We have been working hard on getting our Green award Travel Plan for ModeshiftSTARS and we have been successful!