Norton CEVC Primary School
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Planet – Year 2

Welcome to Planet Class!

Year 2


Our History topic this half term is...




Important information

  - Our PE days are Wednesday and Thursday. Please make sure your child has their PE kit on these days.

  - Spelling homework should be handed in on a Monday morning, and new homework is sent home on a Monday after school.

  - Maths Targets should be handed in on a Monday (when the target has been signed off as achieved by yourselves) and new targets are sent home on Tuesday.

  - Book change days are Monday and Thursday. Your child is encouraged to put their book and reading record in the clear tray at the back of the classroom independently. Your child will have 3 x guided reading sessions weekly - these sessions will not be recorded in their reading records.

 - Mighty Maths books will be sent home on a Friday, to be returned to school the following Monday. Please do not write or practise times tables in these books, they are for you to see the children's progress with speed of the 2s, 5s and 10 times tables. 

Great Fire of London - curriculum map (Spring 1)

Great Fire of London_Curriculum Map_PDF

Homework (Spring 1)

Year 2 Timetable (a typical week):

Year 2 Timetable (a typical week PDF)

Parent Information Evening

Links to useful websites:
