When a child leaves Norton CEVC Primary School, we want them to be religiously literate. They will be able to engage in meaningful and informed dialogue about faiths and world views, showing an informed and respectful attitude. To enable them to do this, they will have developed knowledge and understanding of Christianity as a living faith, which influences the lives of people worldwide. They will also have knowledge and understanding of other major religions and world views; their impact on society, culture and the wider world. At the end of their time at Norton, children will have an awareness of their own spiritual, philosophical and ethical convictions and how these influence the way that they live their lives.
All classes have 1 hour of RE timetabled a week. We follow The Emmanuel Project units studying key concepts within religions, enabling us to get to the heart of what really matters for millions of people of faith around the world today. Exploring these through religious texts, community practices and considering how they impact on a believer's daily life, provides a balance of theology, philosophy and human sciences.
To help children to see religions as dynamic and relevant to peoples lives worldwide, we aim to provide the children with a range of experiences and opportunities to encounter faith and believers, including visitors to school, visits to places of worship and chance to explore artefacts.
Long Term Planning and Progression
Each unit of work is recorded in a class scrapbook. These are class books that contain a record of the learning and teaching in each unit. They may contain pictures, photographs, post it notes, quotations from the children, responses to key questions and text illustrating the journey through the unit.
They celebrate the work of all children within the class including during valuable discussions and practical activities. They can be used to review prior learning helping to develop a greater understanding of the key concept and address any common misconceptions.
They are a window into the excitement, interest and deep thinking that RE promotes.
Priorities for Religious Education at Norton CEVC Primary 2023 - 2024
Each year, subject leaders identify priorities for the development of provision in their subjects.
This year, we are working on: