Norton CEVC Primary School
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Uniform Information

We are pleased that the children of Norton School wear school uniform as it encourages a strong sense of belonging to our school community. Good quality, reasonably priced sweatshirts, cardigans, polo shirts, fleeces and reversible coats are all available with the school logo. Uniform is kept as simple as possible and we recommend the following:




Royal blue school sweatshirt or jumper

Charcoal grey trousers

White shirt or white polo shirt with school name and logo

Grey socks 


Charcoal grey trousers or shorts 

White shirt (long or short sleeved) or polo shirt with school name and logo

Grey socks




Royal blue school sweatshirt or jumper or cardigan 

Charcoal grey pinafore dress, skirt or trousers 

White shirt or white polo shirt with school name and logo school name and logo 

Grey or white socks


Blue gingham dress 

White shirt or white polo shirt with school name and logo school 

Grey or white socks



PE Kit

White polo shirt with school name or plain white t-shirt

Navy or black shorts

Grey or white socks

Black plimsolls or trainers

In the winter months please include a tracksuit


You can order sweatshirts, cardigans, polo shirts, jackets and PE kit online from Gooddies.  Click on the link below to go directly to the webstore.


The office do hold a few items of clothing so you can check there first.


FAPONS, our PTA, are also trialling out a Weekly Secondhand Uniform Sale 15.15 on Mondays at 'The Shed' as well as making second hand uniform available at key events


More information regarding uniform can be found in our uniform policy as well as the school prospectus.
